Family Favorite Recipes

Family favorite recipes, or inspired by family faves.

Some of my family favorite recipes are secret recipes! I’ve had to modify them just a bit to pass along to you. My versions are just as amazing as the original family recipe! Anytime I can make one of my family members say “MMMMM WILL YOU MAKE THIS FOR ME AGAIN!!!” I’m proud to pass the recipe along to you!

Espresso buttercream banana filled layer cake. A family favorite recipe

This easy Espresso Buttercream Banana Filled Cake is a birthday favorite! I make it at least once a year. I’m working on a chocolate covered banana cake recipe, inspired by this recipe!

If you are wondering if I have more “family favorites” in the works, well yes I do! I’m rewriting my weeknight enchiladas recipe now that I have the recipe card plugin. It’s based on Bill’s Enchiladas. I’m also working on a pepperoni rice casserole. I’m not sure it’ll be a favorite, but you’ll be the first to know!


Speaking of favorites, one of my favorite blogs is FoodInBooks, by Vanessa. When I was starting my blog, I searched for similar blogs and came across hers. I hope she writes a novel, because her writing is amazing! Her blog “Food and drink inspired by classic and modern literary works” is truly a work of love from a book lover turned cook. You should check out one of her family favorite recipes, her nana’s biscochitos. (Pictured below.) She is also a podcaster!

©FoodInBooks (Nana’s Biscochitos.)

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